The distance between Florida and Haiti is approximately 838 miles. Those 838 miles make all the difference in the world though. Having been back in the United States for just under a week, I’ve been really cognizant of this. We are so close together yet so different.
My first day back I turned on the shower and was immediately aware of how much water pressure there is in my shower. I had nothing to complain about in our hotel in Cap Haitien, in fact I loved it. However, the water pressure in the shower was more of a sprinkle than a shower. It got the job done but it was not what we are used to.
Later as I drove around town, I became aware of how clean and empty the streets were. There was still traffic but there were no close calls. No pedestrians of motorcycles with misses that were literally inches from my vehicle. There was no trash covering the ground like an unwelcome blanket of snow on a very warm day. There might be an occasional newspaper or bottle here or there, but it definitely was not anything like what we saw in Haiti.
Then there was the harbor. Cap Haitien has a harbor that COULD be beautiful. Unfortunately, it isn’t. Instead it is harbor full of sunken boats, garbage, and unrealized potential. As I drove through Huntington Harbor the difference couldn’t have been more stark.
Haiti is an absolutely beautiful country. There are some absolutely beautiful scenes and locations that look like they are straight of a movie. Then right next to it are areas scattered with litter and debris. It is amazing to me at how much of a difference can be found just within the country. Then move less than a thousand miles away to the United States and things are even more different. Technology is different. Transportation is different. Lifestyles are completely different.
Haiti is a country that seems to not be able to catch a break. However, there are organizations like the Reliv Kalogris Foundation that continue to make a difference, one person at a time. As they help one person at a time, they are bringing hope and change to this country. I only hope that someday all of these little seeds of hope will grow into something that helps Haiti realize its potential and help the people of Haiti live happier and healthier lives.