It is that time of year. Everyone is once again making their New Year’s resolutions and figuring out how this year can be better than the last. While I’m all for this, I also recognize that for so many people they make their resolutions and a month later they have been left in the rearview mirror. My attitude in general towards them is much like my attitude was in school, be consistent and don’t cram.
When I was in school I generally figured that if I hadn’t learned something by the time the test came along, no amount of cramming was going to save me in the long run. So I figured if I just did a little bit each day to make sure I knew the subject matter, I’d be better off. This didn’t mean I was spending hours every night doing my homework and being a really good student. It did mean that during class I tended to spend an extra minute or two trying to focus on whatever the content was.
What’s this have to do with New Year’s resolutions you ask? Well, I think that when one picks New Year’s resolutions they should pick something they can be consistent with. Very much like making SMART goals, resolutions should be something that can be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
With all that in mind, one of my resolutions this year was to read more. However, that isn’t specific enough. So, to be specific, my goal is to read 52 books this year. Currently, I am working on three different books that I’m pushing through. One is about writing, another about the history of coffee, and still, a third is a biography.
As I work through the year I will be sharing about the books on this blog. I don’t know if I will be posting about each book individually or in monthly blocks or what. I do know that I will continue to track how many books I’ve worked through as the year progresses.
I hope you enjoy this literary adventure that I’m undertaking. I’m curious though, what New Year resolutions did you make? Share them with me in the comments below! Happy New Year!