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Being successful is about boldly going towards whatever definition of success one is pursuing. For some people this is cause and for other people it is a result or destination. Whatever the outcome, a successful outcome requires effort, boldness, and the drive to reach whatever the successful outcome is.

With that in mind, I started thinking about some universal ingredients needed for success. As with so many things, the question must always be answered of “why do I want to succeed at this?” What are the consequences of failure or not trying? What are the benefits of success? Are they worth the effort? These questions should be what is considered first. It will not only help you in the future as you chase after your desired outcome, it will also help you weigh whether or not you actually want to pursue it. Once this question has been answered, and I mean really answered so that you can own it not just in your head but also in your heart, its time to move forward towards where you want to go.

To move forward and pursue your desired successful outcome you are going to need to have a sense of adventure. A sense of adventure is what will help you step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and perhaps most importantly, face your fears. To achieve a new success you must do things you haven’t done before. Recognize that as just a part of success. Recognize also, successful people do what unsuccessful people won’t. They go a little further, work a little harder, face more fears, and push their comfort zones. All of this could be just a little bit more but that little bit more than everyone else can pay major rewards.

Adventure can (and should) have a plan and a destination. Know where it is you want to go. Connect it with why you want to go there. Then combined start facing those fears, working a little hard, pushing a little further, and stretching your comfort zone. Bring a sense of adventure into the journey towards the destination and turn those obstacles into opportunities. Recognize that the adventure is a part of the reward of success. There will be high points and low points along the way. However, with a sense of adventure, these can be a part of the reward instead of the cost of it.

Creativity can change the world. The people who are creative are the people who are taking that adventurous spirit (and I don’t mean being Indiana Jones) to challenge themselves and try something new. For some people this is easier than others. However, creativity isn’t just a gift… it is a muscle. Just like athletes or musicians hone their skills, people can do the same with creativity. If your reason why is strong enough, you will choose to embrace creativity on your adventurous road to success! It just may not look what you initially imagined.

Let’s start off with what creativity doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t have to be someone painting a picture that people will stare at and love for generations. It doesn’t have to be writing a song that is loved by millions. It doesn’t even have to be creating a new recipe that makes people’s mouths water the moment they think of the dish. What it does have to be is a skill that can be intentionally developed over time that can lead to new things. What it will do for your road to success is allow you to look for solutions and new ideas in ways that you hadn’t thought before.

If you want to be more creative the good news is, you can! With the choice to work on being more creative a whole new world can be introduced to you. Once you have made this choice, try a few of these three things to start building up your creative muscle.

First off, do something creative. This can be as simple as doodling on a piece of paper, listening to different types of music, taking pictures with your phone, writing something (ideally fiction), or even reading! I like to do a few of these different things, sometimes at the same time.

Second, learn and be teachable. To do this you want to broaden your knowledge base and put new thoughts and new ideas in your brain. This can be done through taking a course, reading books, going to museums, or attending seminars. It is also a great idea to surround yourself with people you look up to and can learn from. Be teachable from the people who have gone before you and succeeded. Learn from their successes and also their failures. Also be open to learning through doing new things. You never know how a new experience can lead to a new perspective. As all of this is happening, make sure to have some fun along the way. A little play can go a long way.

With all of this, make sure to share what you are learning and experiencing. I remember in school hearing that the best way to learn was to teach. Be thinking how you can effectively share what you are learning with others. This can be done in your head, in a conversation with others, or even on a video online. What is important with this is that you are furthering the development of your thoughts and ability to communicate them.

And third, create an environment for creativity. The proper environment can really help stimulate creativity. Creativity comes from the head and the heart so you want to do what you can do to help those environments thrive. This means doing something as simple as walking and getting exercise, drinking lots of water, making sure you are getting proper nutrition, and also getting enough sleep. These may not seem like big things, but they really do make a big difference. Decluttering your environment can also be very beneficial.

A proper environment for creativity also is also building up that culture around you where new ideas are embraced, failures and the lessons learned from them are celebrated, and the journey is almost as important as the destination. Part of the journey is meeting new people with new ideas. It also is learning to disagree without being disagreeable. It is about creating a culture and environment that is positive and uplifting, not negative and degrading. If you find yourself being dragged down regularly by those around you, it might be time to start asking some questions and making some hard choices.

There are many similarities to the great success stories we hear. Learn the stories of Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, or even Abraham Lincoln. It soon becomes readily apparent that a part of their road to success was choosing why they wanted to do something, having a sense of adventure and willingness to pursue it, and then having some level of creativity to open their mind to new ideas and perspectives along the way. Then they boldly took action to achieve their successes. You can do this too. Boldly choose where you want to succeed and why and success can be achieved in ways you may never have even dreamed was possible!

About Post Author

Robert A. Laird

Robert A. Laird is an entrepreneur and also Executive Director - Creative for Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church/Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller where he oversees the television show of the same name. He also works with the Reliv Kalogris Foundation as it strives to feed starving children around the globe.
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